Sunday, August 16, 2009

When In Doubt

Use ONE color!

Here's the last BBD Loose Feathers that was stitched by a friend and shared at our sampler guild meeting show and tell yesterday. The pattern was shown stitched in a red, but she loves browns and MUD colors, so she stitched it in Belle Soie Espresso. I loved it!
So when we were talking about the newest Loose Feathers, which is done on a peachy-pink (or as CW said, "FA-LESH") colored fabric in muted pastels, it was eventually suggested that this one too would have to be stitched in ONE color. So, the Belle Soie rack was spun and WAAAA-LAAAA! Plush Plum was chosen. Am anxious to see how it turns out. I stuck with the colors given in the pattern because I liked them, but I'm already imagining the benefits of using ONE color - only have one or two skeins hanging around with your project, not having to worry that you used the WRONG color someplace, and no changing colors while stitching! You can just STITCH, 100% stitching. There's something to THAT!!!

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

Maybe it's not FA-LESH; maybe it's PANK!! Love the small BBD project you finished. Keep stitchin'